Elo-Pee Worldwide Television is a world renowned expert in television programmes, film production and entertainment, covering all aspects worldwide and broadcast globally through our channel Elo-Pee TV and organise top-level strategic events around the world.


The founder and Executive Chairman of Elo-Pee Worldwide Television, Angelo Peter Elosia, MBKS has 30 years’ experience in active worldwide television programmes production, film and entertainment as Executive Producer/Director/Presenter.


We work closely with many governments, NGOs and international corporations to promote their activities on television. We actively promote both public and private sectors.


Elo-Pee Worldwide Television assist countries and governments, to improve their promotional efforts, by highlighting particular industries or projects.



Our mission is to be the world best rallying point for television, film and entertainment both to governments and private sectors worldwide. This we achieve through consistent and effective utilisation of our knowledge and technology to facilitate the development of television, film and entertainment for sustainable economic growth worldwide and to foster an enduring partnership with our clients.



Our vision is to be the most efficient and highly respected television, film and entertainment organisation worldwide.



EWTV has leveraged on customer-friendly service, sustained by relevant technology to remain a dominant force in television, film and entertainment worldwide. Our values, which make us stand out as professionals, are anchored between seven core values which include Innovation, New Opportunities, Viability, Excellence, Sustainability, Transparency and Success.


INNOVATION: We bring innovation in everything we do, to ensure that we are different and better out of the box

NEW OPPORTUNITIES: We translate new opportunities into profitable investments

VIABILITY: We ensure that all investments we introduce are viable

EXCELLENCE: All our services are anchored on excellence

SUSTAINABILITY: Sustainability is our watch word to ensure constant growth for our clients

TRANSPARENCY: Ensuring transparency in dealing with our clients and the public at large is our hallmark

SUCCESS: We hinge our success with the success of our clients; hence we work hard to make all our projects successful

We guarantee our clients that we will meet and exceed their service needs and standards due to our high level of professionalism which is our core value. With great creativity, we are constantly innovating to delight our clients. We have maintained a consistent culture of excellence to attain superior client service at all times. With these values, we ensure our service delivery is truly in a class of its own.



We have harnessed our remarkable service culture to provide outstanding television, film and entertainment services to our clients.


1. TELEVISION: We empower and inform the world through our television programmes.

2. FILM: We produce world class films for global distribution.

3. ENTERTAINMENT: We organise frontline entertainment programmes worldwide and produce music for global distribution.


5. EVENTS: We organise strategic events worldwide to promote diverse economies. These include:

  • Government summits to attract and promote diverse opportunities and provide outstanding platform for networking.
  • International industry summits with professional global leaders and sector associations.
  • Exhibitions to showcase projects, branding and diverse opportunities where government leaders and international investors meet to create business partnerships.
  • Consultancy in the full spectrum of our services enable us serve your specific needs.
  • Government / Private retreat to empower, refresh and re energise.
  • Training courses providing skills and knowledge. We also conduct in-house training for ministries and private organisations in line with strategic development plans.
  • AGM / Project launches stand out as one of our specialities as we assist government and private organisations to facilitate these processes.
  • Multicultural events to promote cultural diversity worldwide.
  • Awards to recognise achievers worldwide.